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Outreach care management with Daniel Kufeld

Outreach care management with Daniel Kufeld


This year, Ambulanzpartner is further developing its supply management of medical aids. It is a good fit to welcome an experienced aid coordinator to our team.

We are pleased to announce that Daniel Kufeld has recently joined our supply management team. He is thoroughly familiar with complex aids. He has been working in complex aid supply for more than 15 years and can point to extensive experience in the fields of orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology as well as robotics.

Daniel Kufeld will initially work on quality management in the provision of assistive devices for people with complex neurological diseases as part of the ProDigA ( research project. For this purpose, we are developing with him an outreach case management of patients in their homes as a new form of interaction work in our network.

Daniel Kufeld is passionate about finding solutions for good care processes for patients who need complex assistive care. We will be working on and researching outreach case management with him over the next few months. We would like to discuss the first results from the project together at our next conference for assistive technology providers, which will take place on 09 February 2023 in Berlin.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Kufeld via e-mail at

We are very pleased to develop innovations in care with Daniel Kufeld and wish a good cooperation.

Your APST team