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Final conference research project ProDigA: Innovations in the care of complex neurological diseases, Berlin, 09.02.2023

Final conference research project ProDigA: Innovations in the care of complex neurological diseases, Berlin, 09.02.2023


How can care processes for people with complex neurological diseases be improved by strengthening interaction work? The BMBF project "ProDigA - Digitally Supported Interaction Work" investigated this question at the interface of work and care research. (

Together with practice partners, prototypes for the support of interaction processes were experimented with. With ProDigA, we - the Institute for Social Research and Social Economy (iso) e.V., APST, the Neurological university outpatient clinic of the Charité, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, thePflegewerk and the Talktools GmbH - has been testing and developing innovations in a special environment since March 2020.

In the context of a symposium, we would like to discuss the findings and experiences from the project with an interested audience.

We are looking forward to an interesting event.