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ALS App for People with ALS: Now Available for Smartphones and Tablets

ALS App for People with ALS: Now Available for Smartphones and Tablets


Our developers have finished programming the ALS App, the first mobile App in Germany facilitating the capturing of the ALS Functional Rating Scale-revised (ALS-FRS) on your smartphones, iPhones and tablets. It is now available for download for iOS and Android devices in the Apple App Store and, respectively, on Google Play.

Capturing of the Disease Course

This App enables people to capture the disease course of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using the ALS Functional Rating Scale-revised (ALS-FRSr). The usefulness and benefits of the App can be explained by the following perspectives that had urged its development in the first place:

• For people with ALS: By using the App to complete the ALS Functional Rating Scale-revised people with ALS may gauge their current degree of ALS severity and their individual disease course (progression rate).

• For the attending physician: The results of the App self-rating measure used by patients is also available to the doctor for scrutiny thus enabling them and their medical team to assess their patients’ individual disease courses during medical consultations and in between appointments.

• For research: The data collected via the ALS Functional Rating Scale-revised are of great significance to research into ALS medication therapy. Each self-rating performed by patients improves the statistical power of the ALS-FRSr, the scale representing the efficacy criterion (”clinical endpoint”) of clinical studies and the central approval criterion for new drugs. We furthermore conduct research into ways of using the ALS-FRSr for the purpose of timely recognizing the patients’ need for assistive mobility, communication or ventilation devices with acuity.

This App is provided to people with ALS, based on the individual and scientific benefit to be drawn from regular self-rating. The App is linked to the APST platform, both utilizing a shared database. What is more, the linking of the App to the platform facilitates a graphical illustration of any patient’s individual disease course on their personal account.

ALS App in the App Store

The ALS App is available on Google Play and in the Apple App Store. You will find it by entering the keywords “amyotrophic” or “amyotrophe”, “Lateral Sclerosis” or „Lateralsklerose“ or “APST” or „Ambulanzpartner“ into the search field. You may then download the ALS App free of charge.

It is our goal and constant pursuit to consistently improve the ALS App, and we need you to do so! We would therefore greatly appreciate your honest feedback which we cordially invite you to send to us at or simply rate the App in the Apple App Store or on Google Play